How to Choose the Right Social Media Platform 

When it comes to figuring out the best social media platform to use in your career, the first step is to prioritize what’s important to you. Is it expanding your reach? Is it generating more leads? Is it finding work?   From there, it’s about determining which platform will give you the right exposure with the […]

Should you Use a Single-Column or Two-Column Resume? 

Resumes play an essential role in the hiring process. As a job seeker, landing an interview greatly relies on your resume. Therefore, you want to make sure that you select the right format.   Some organizations emphasize a specific resume format. However, other organizations or employers accept any resume format, whether one-column or two-columns. Therefore, an […]

Resume Makeover Tip: Transforming Duties into Accomplishments

If you’ve been trying to learn how to write a resume that leads to interviews, you have no doubt come across advice about listing your accomplishments for each job in your work history, instead of detailing your job duties.  The difference between job duties and accomplishments can be a tough concept because it is a dramatically different way of writing about yourself. So, what exactly […]